Winter 2024 in United States

Winter Starts : Sunday, Dec 21st

Winter Ends : Thursday, Mar 20th

Astronomical and Meteorological Winter

Astronomical Winter the season of frosty mornings and cozy nights, descends upon the Northern Hemisphere around December 21st, coinciding with the downtime solstice. This elysian event marks the shortest day of the time and the longest night, as the Earth's axis tilts farthest down from the sun. As December, January, and February unfold, the Northern Hemisphere gests the bite of downtime's grasp. The Earth's position in its route causes the sun's shafts to strike at a lower angle, performing in shorter days and cooler temperatures. Snow robes the geography, transubstantiating it into a downtime wonderland, while icy winds nip at exposed skin.

Astronomical downtime brings with it a sense of stillness and soul-searching. Nature enters a period of dormancy, as trees exfoliate their leaves and creatures retreat to their burrows. Yet, beneath the frosty face, life continues to thrive, with certain shops and creatures acclimated to repel the cold wave. Winter's goods are felt far beyond the natural world. It shapes mortal geste, impacting everything from apparel choices to vacation traditions. People gather around roaring fires, belt hot cocoa, and enjoy the warmth of each other's company. Winter also fosters a sense of community, as neighbors come together to shovel snow and share inventories during snowstorms.

Meteorological Winter, the season of frosty mornings and chilly nights, spans from December 1st to February 28th in the Northern Hemisphere. Unlike astronomical downtime, which is grounded on the Earth's position relative to the sun, meteorological downtime is defined by the timetable months. As December, January, and February unfold, the Northern Hemisphere gests the full force of downtime's icy grip. The Earth's position in its route causes the sun's shafts to strike at a lower angle, performing in shorter days and longer nights. This shift brings cooler temperatures and frequently brings snowfall, turning geographies into graphic scenes of white. Meteorological downtime has a profound effect on both nature and mortal conditioning. Trees lose their leaves, and creatures hibernate or resettle to warmer climates. Meanwhile, people rush up in warm apparel, enjoy downtime sports like skiing and snowboarding, and gather around fires to stay cozy. Winter leaves like Christmas and New Year's Eve are celebrated during this time, bringing communities together for gleeful gatherings and traditions. It's also a season for reflection and soul-searching, as people look back on the time gone in and make plans for the future.

Dates for Winter

YearWinter StartsWinter Ends
Winter 2024Saturday, December 21 2024Tuesday, March 19 2024
Winter 2025Sunday, December 21 2025Thursday, March 20 2025
Winter 2026Monday, December 21 2026Friday, March 20 2026
Winter 2027Tuesday, December 21 2027Saturday, March 20 2027
Winter 2028Thursday, December 21 2028Sunday, March 19 2028
Winter 2029Friday, December 21 2029Tuesday, March 20 2029
Winter 2030Saturday, December 21 2030Wednesday, March 20 2030
Winter 2031Sunday, December 21 2031Thursday, March 20 2031

Seasons Calendar

Calendar to the past and upcoming seasons for the calendar year.

Holiday Dates for the Year

Provides the dates for holidays for the calendar year.

Yearly Calendar

Provides calendars for the calendar year.

Name(s):Winter, Winter solstice, December solstice
When:Astronomical - Dec 20th to 23rd Meteorological - December, January, and February
(Northern Hemisphere)
February 2025
01 SATNational Freedom Day
02 SUNGroundhog Day
07 FRINational Wear Red Day
14 FRIValentine's Day
17 MONPresidents' Day