Pontes E Lacerda Airport in Pontes E Lacerda, Brazil [LCB/SWBG]


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The Pontes E Lacerda Airport of Pontes E Lacerda is well equipped with facilities. Some of the facilities provided by the airport are listed below:

  • Car Parking
  • Restaurant
  • Coffee Shop
  • Luggage Keeping
  • Information Desk
  • Medical Facilities
  • Pre Paid Taxi Booth
  • Baggage Wrapping
  • Gift Shop

Pontes E Lacerda Airport (IATA: LCB, ICAO: SWBG) is an airport serving Pontes E Lacerda, a city in the Brazil. If you are planning to travel to Pontes E Lacerda or any other city in Brazil, this airport locator will be a very useful tool. This page gives complete information about the Pontes E Lacerda Airport along with Time Zone, lattitude and longitude, Current time and date, nearest airport, airport location on map etc. Pontes E Lacerda Airport Map showing the location of this airport in Brazil. Pontes E Lacerda Airport IATA Code, ICAO Code etc.

Pontes E Lacerda Airport Information:

AIRPORT NAME: Pontes e Lacerda Airport
CITY NAME: Pontes e Lacerda
LATITUDE: -15.1934
LONGITUDE: -59.3848
TIMEZONE: Pontes e Lacerda/Brazil

Country Brazil General Information:

CONTINENT: South America
CAPITAL: Brasília

Looking for information on Pontes e Lacerda Airport, Pontes e Lacerda, Brazil? Know about Pontes e Lacerda Airport in detail. Find out the location of Pontes e Lacerda Airport on Brazil map and also find out airports near to Pontes e Lacerda. This airport locator is a very useful tool for travelers to know where is Pontes e Lacerda Airport located and also provide information like hotels near Pontes e Lacerda Airport, airlines operating to Pontes e Lacerda Airport etc. IATA Code and ICAO Code of all airports in French Polynesia. Scroll down to know more about Pontes e Lacerda Airport or Pontes e Lacerda Airport, Brazil.

Pontes e Lacerda, Brazil Weather Information:

Nearest Airport to Pontes E Lacerda Airport

Nearest airports to city Pontes E Lacerda, country Brazil are listed below. These are significant airports near to the city of Pontes E Lacerda and other airports nearest to Pontes E Lacerda.

Nearest airport to Pontes E Lacerda is San Matias Airport distance - (166 km / 103.75 miles)

Following are the nearest airports to Pontes E Lacerda and Pontes E Lacerda Airport. Distance between the two airports are given in kilometer as well as in miles below.

Airport NameDistanceLatLongICAOCodeIATACode
San Matias Airport166 km /103.75 miles-16.33919907-58.40190125SLTIMQK
Fazenda Tucunare Airport200 km /125 miles-13.46552781-58.86693478SWTUAZL
Caceres Airport211 km /131.875 miles-16.04360008-57.62990189SWKCCCX
Capitan Av. Juan Cochamanidis S. Airport215 km /134.375 miles-16.38360023-60.96279907SLSISNG
Tangara Da Serra Airport217 km /135.625 miles-14.6619997-57.44350052SWTSTGQ
List of other Airports in Pontes E Lacerda

Major airlines flying to Pontes e Lacerda Airport, Pontes e Lacerda, Brazil

This page provides all the information you need to know about Pontes E Lacerda Airport, Pontes E Lacerda Airport. This page is created with the aim of helping travelers and tourists visiting Pontes E Lacerda Airport or traveling to Pontes E Lacerda Airport.

More details about Pontes E Lacerda Airport given here include

  • Pontes E Lacerda Airport Code - IATA Code (3 letter airport codes) and ICAO Code (4 letter airport codes)
  • Coordinates of Pontes E Lacerda Airport - Latitude and Longitude (Lat and Long) of Pontes E Lacerda Airport
  • Location of Pontes E Lacerda Airport - City Name, Country, Country Codes etc...
  • Pontes E Lacerda Airport Time Zone and Current time at Pontes E Lacerda Airport
  • Address and contact details of Pontes E Lacerda Airport along with website address of the airport
  • General information about Pontes E Lacerda Airport where Pontes E Lacerda Airport is located in the city of Pontes E Lacerda. General information include capital of Pontes E Lacerda Airport, currency, Country Calling Code etc...

LCB - Pontes E Lacerda Airport IATA Code and SWBG - Pontes E Lacerda Airport ICAO code

Available Facilities at Pontes e Lacerda Airport Airport

Type of TransportAvailability
Metro Taxi SystemAvailable
City bus serviceAvailable
General taxi serviceAvailable
Pre-paid taxi serviceAvailable
Car rental serviceAvailable
Inter state bus serviceNo
Inter state taxi / car serviceAvailable