All the airports in Djibouti are listed below. For more information about any of these airports click on the airport name. There are number of airports in Djibouti and this list covers all most all Djibouti airports. Find airport Information with airport to airport distance, airport to city distance, Current Time and Date at airport Djibouti etc.
Airport Start With A
#1 | Ali-Sabieh AirportAli-Sabieh | ICAO CODEAII | ICAO CODEHDAS |
#2 | Djibouti-Ambouli AirportDjibouti City | ICAO CODEJIB | ICAO CODEHDAM |
Airport Start With M
#3 | Moucha AirportMoucha Island | ICAO CODEMHI | ICAO CODEHDMO |
#4 | Obock AirportObock | ICAO CODEOBC | ICAO CODEHDOB |
Airport Start With T
#5 | Tadjoura AirportTadjoura | ICAO CODETDJ | ICAO CODEHDTJ |
Given above is the list of airports in Djibouti. This includes every single Djibouti airports - International airports, domestic airports, military and private airports etc. If you are planning a visit Djibouti or if you are planning to travel to any city in Djibouti, knowledge about the airports and other travel facility such as Type of Transport, Metro Taxi System, City bus service, General taxi service,Pre-paid taxi service, Car rental service etc. will be really helpful. Get Djibouti airport code, location and address, Djibouti airport Map etc.