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Constitution Day in Anguilla in 2019

When is Constitution Day in 2019?

Constitution Day in 2019 is a public holiday in Anguilla, observed annually on the 1st of April. There are -1751 days left for Constitution Day this year.

Constitution Day is a public holiday in Anguilla, observed annually on the 1st of April. It is a day to celebrate the signing of Anguilla's constitution in 1982, which established the island as a separate British overseas territory with its own government and laws.

On Constitution Day, the people of Anguilla come together to celebrate their independence and the values enshrined in their constitution. The day is marked by a series of cultural and civic events, including parades, flag-raising ceremonies, and speeches by government officials.

One of the highlights of the day is the traditional boat race, which takes place in the waters off Sandy Ground Beach. The race brings together some of the island's top sailors, who compete for prizes and bragging rights.

Constitution Day is also a time for reflection and remembrance, as the people of Anguilla honor the sacrifices and struggles of their ancestors. Many people attend church services or visit cemeteries to pay their respects to those who fought for their freedom.

Overall, Constitution Day is a day of celebration, pride, and unity in Anguilla. It is a reminder of the island's rich history and the resilience of its people, and a chance to look towards a future that is bright and full of promise.

Constitution Day Observances

YearWeek DayDateHoliday Name
2019MondayAugust 19, 2019Constitution Day
2020FridayAugust 07, 2020Constitution Day
2021FridayAugust 06, 2021Constitution Day
2022FridayAugust 05, 2022Constitution Day
2023FridayAugust 11, 2023Constitution Day
2024FridayAugust 09, 2024Constitution Day
2025FridayAugust 08, 2025Constitution Day