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Thanksgiving in American Samoa in 2023

When is Thanksgiving in 2023?

Thanksgiving in 2023 is a popular holiday in the United States that is celebrated annually on the fourth Thursday in November. There are -300 days left for Thanksgiving this year.

Thanksgiving is a popular holiday in the United States that is celebrated annually on the fourth Thursday in November. While Thanksgiving is not a traditional holiday in American Samoa, many residents of the island still observe the day in their own unique way.

For many Samoans, Thanksgiving is a time to come together with family and friends and to celebrate the blessings of life. While traditional American dishes like turkey and pumpkin pie are not typically part of the Samoan diet, many families still prepare special feasts that feature traditional Samoan foods like taro, breadfruit, and coconut.

Thanksgiving is also a time for many Samoans to reflect on their blessings and to give thanks for the good things in their lives. This may include offering prayers of gratitude, volunteering at local charities, or donating food or money to those in need.

In American Samoa, Thanksgiving is also an opportunity to celebrate the island's unique culture and heritage. Many schools and organizations hold cultural events and performances that showcase traditional Samoan music, dance, and arts and crafts.

Overall, while Thanksgiving may not have the same historical significance in American Samoa as it does in the United States, it is still an important day for many Samoans. It is a time to come together with loved ones, to give thanks for the blessings of life, and to celebrate the unique culture and traditions of the island.

Thanksgiving Observances

YearWeek DayDateHoliday Name
2019ThursdayNovember 28, 2019Thanksgiving
2020ThursdayNovember 26, 2020Thanksgiving
2021ThursdayNovember 25, 2021Thanksgiving
2022ThursdayNovember 24, 2022Thanksgiving
2023ThursdayNovember 23, 2023Thanksgiving
2024ThursdayNovember 28, 2024Thanksgiving
2025ThursdayNovember 27, 2025Thanksgiving