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Eid al-Qurban Holiday in Afghanistan in 2024

When is Eid al-Qurban Holiday in 2024?

Eid al-Qurban Holiday in 2024 falls on the ninth day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah. There are 169 days left in the year.

Eid al-Qurban Holiday, also known as the Feast of Sacrifice, is an important holiday in the Islamic calendar. It is celebrated worldwide by Muslims and commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ishmael in obedience to God's command.

The Eid al-Qurban Holiday is marked by a range of rituals and customs, including the slaughtering of an animal as a symbolic act of sacrifice. The meat is then shared with family, friends, and those in need, as a reminder of the importance of charity and generosity.

Muslims also gather in mosques and prayer halls to offer special prayers and listen to sermons that remind them of the values of sacrifice, obedience, and devotion to Allah. The holiday is a time for forgiveness, reconciliation, and strengthening of family and community bonds.

The Eid al-Qurban Holiday usually lasts for three days, during which time many Muslims take time off work or school to spend time with their loved ones and engage in acts of charity and goodwill. It is a time of joy, reflection, and renewal of one's faith.

In many countries, the Eid al-Qurban Holiday is a public holiday, with schools, businesses, and government offices closed. This allows Muslims to celebrate their faith with their families and communities, and to strengthen their relationships. In conclusion, the Eid al-Qurban Holiday is an important holiday in the Islamic calendar, which is marked by the act of sacrifice, prayer, and acts of charity. It is a time for Muslims to come together to celebrate their faith, strengthen their relationships, and to remember the values of sacrifice, generosity, and obedience.

Eid al-Qurban Holiday Observances

YearWeek DayDateHoliday Name
2020SaturdayAugust 01, 2020Eid Al Qurban Holiday
2021WednesdayJuly 21, 2021Eid Al Qurban Holiday
2022MondayJuly 11, 2022Eid Al Qurban Holiday
2023FridayJune 30, 2023Eid Al Qurban Holiday
2024TuesdayJune 18, 2024Eid Al Qurban Holiday
2025SundayJune 08, 2025Eid Al Qurban Holiday