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Ashura in Afghanistan in 2024

When is Ashura in 2024?

Ashura in 2024 falls on the tenth day of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic year. There are 198 days left in the year.

Ashura is an important day of commemoration in the Islamic calendar, particularly for the Shia Muslim community. It falls on the tenth day of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic year. It is a day of mourning and reflection, and is observed with solemnity and reverence.

The day of Ashura commemorates the martyrdom of Prophet Muhammad's grandson, Imam Hussein, who was killed in the Battle of Karbala in 680 AD. He was a symbolic figure of resistance and opposition to oppression, and his death has become a powerful symbol of sacrifice, courage, and devotion to the values of justice and freedom.

On the day of Ashura, many Shia Muslims engage in mourning rituals and processions, wearing black clothing and reciting poetry and prayers that commemorate the suffering and sacrifice of Imam Hussein. Some also engage in acts of charity and goodwill, as a way of demonstrating their commitment to the values of generosity and compassion.

In some countries, the day of Ashura is a public holiday, and is marked by processions and public demonstrations of mourning. It is a day of solidarity, reflection, and renewal of one's commitment to the values of social justice and compassion.

In conclusion, the day of Ashura is an important day of commemoration in the Islamic calendar, particularly for the Shia Muslim community. It is a day of mourning, reflection, and remembrance of the sacrifice and suffering of Imam Hussein. It is a day that reminds us of the importance of standing up against oppression and injustice, and of the values of courage, sacrifice, and devotion to the greater good.

Ashura Observances

YearWeek DayDateHoliday Name
2019TuesdaySeptember 10, 2019Ashura
2020SaturdayAugust 29, 2020Ashura
2021ThursdayAugust 19, 2021Ashura
2022MondayAugust 08, 2022Ashura
2023FridayJuly 28, 2023Ashura
2024WednesdayJuly 17, 2024Ashura
2025SundayJuly 06, 2025Ashura