This tool helps you how to make a call to any country in the world with complete guidance to make an international call step by step. This tool provides details about Ivory Coast code. Select any country from above dropdown list to get the details of selected country.
Dialing Code for Ivory Coast is +225 and this dialing code is used to call from other country to Ivory Coast. Also, see how to call to Ivory Coast using +225 code from rest of the world. Moreover, find nearest countries to Ivory Coast, 2 digit and 3 digit ISO code of Ivory Coast and other details like capital, GDP, Currency, Area Code, Internet Users, Mobile Users, Population, Near By Countries, Lat Long of Ivory Coast country.
Find nearest country list which is near to Ivory Coast. Below table showing all the countries and thire distance in kilometer.
Country | Distance to Ivory Coast |
Liberia | 446 km |
Ghana | 501 km |
Guinea | 529 km |
Burkina Faso | 681 km |
Sierra Leone | 694 km |
Togo | 712 km |
Benin | 887 km |
Mali | 1128 km |
Guinea-Bissau | 1157 km |
Senegal | 1241 km |
Below table shows the various cities area code list of Ivory Coast. To make a call to Ivory Coast, use 225 followed by below area codes to make your international call.
City | Dial Codes |
Abengourou | +22535 |
Abidjan | +22521 |
Abobo | +22524 |
Banco | +22523 |
Bouaké | +22531 |
Cocody | +22522 |
Daloa | +22532 |
Korhogo | +22536 |
Man | +22533 |
Plateau | +22520 |
San Pedro | +22534 |
Yamoussoukro | +22530 |