State Bank Of India Pasuda branch code is 6467 and Bank IFSC Code is SBIN0006467 required to initiate any of the NEFT transfer and RTGS transfers.
Detailed information of IFSC Code SBIN0006467 of State Bank Of India Pasuda branch for NEFT transfer and RTGS transfer below:
BRANCH CODE | 6467 |
IFSC CODE | SBIN0006467 |
BANK NAME | State Bank Of India |
BRANCH | Pasuda |
LOCATION | Mayurbhanj Mayurbhanj |
CITY | Mayurbhanj |
DISTRICT | Mayurbhanj |
STATE | Odisha |
ADDRESS | Atpopasudamayurbhanj |
OPEN HOURS | Monday to Saturday 10 am to 4 pm |
MODE OF PAYMENT | Cash,Cheque,Demand Draft & Net Banking |
Bank Name | Branch Name | IFSC Code / MICR Code / Branch Code | Contact |
Canara Bank | Pal Adajan Surat | CNRB0006467/ WAITING/ 0006467 | 9999999999 |
State Bank Of India | Pasuda | SBIN0006467/ 757002102/ 0006467 | 0 |
Syndicate Bank | Mekalachinnampally | SYNB0006467/ NA/ 0006467 | 2545951 |
You can find Mayurbhanj State Bank Of India NEFT, RTGS and IMPS codes in the above table with branch code.
State Bank Of India IFSC Code is used in net banking to make NEFT or RTGS or IMPS transactions. It provides greate solution thate makes banking faster as it saves a lot of time.
For carrying out these transactions all we need is to have account with any bank and IFSC code that supports NEFT, RTGS and IMPS services. The difference between them is that NEFT transfers are carried out in batches and RTGS transactions are carried out individually. IMPS is a mobile platform where funds can be transferred 24x7. These fund transfer systems can be used for various purposes like bill payments, insurance premium payments, Loan EMI payments, online purchases, paperless fund transfers, etc.
State Bank Of India IFSC code in Mayurbhanj in Odisha state is used to transfer funds between any two bank branches through net banking. These IFSC codes for State Bank Of India Mayurbhanj are used to identify the branches participating in online transactions via RTGS, NEFT and IMPS systems.
All branches of State Bank Of India in Mayurbhanj supports net banking has its unique IFSC code. State Bank Of India Bank IFSC code list in Mayurbhanj is provided by RBI. Note that, all branches of a bank cannot provide online fund transfer systems, only those approved by RBI can provide such facility.State Bank Of India Mayurbhanj IFSC codes are given in above table alongwith address, contact number, district, city and state of branches of State Bank Of India with IFSC code in Mayurbhanj are also provided.
Aries - Mar 21 to Apr 19 |
Taurus - Apr 20 - May 20 |
Gemini - May 21 - Jun 21 |
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Leo - Jul 23 -Aug 22 |
Virgo - Aug 23 - Sep 22 |
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Aquarius - Jan 20 - Feb 18 |
Pisces - Feb 19- Mar 20 |