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Easter Day in United States in 2022

When is Easter Day in 2022?

Easter Day in 2022 is on the Sunday, 17th of April (17/04/2022).

Easter Day in United States 2022

Easter is one of the major festivals of the Christians. Easter is celebrated for the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion on the Friday (known as Good Friday) as a marking his victory over death. Word 'Easter' has been derived from Eostre, or Eostrae, who is the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility. Easter is also called Pascha, Zatik or Resurrection Sunday.

Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after March 21. Easter always falls on a Sunday between 22 March and 25 April every year. It is the most important holy day among Christians worldwide.

Easter Day in United States 2022

People celebrate Easter with special church services, families eating festive delicious meals, music, candlelight, flowers, egg decoration, providing Easter baskets, and giving gift.

List of Holidays in United States in 2022

SaturdayJanuary 01 2022New Year's Day
MondayJanuary 17 2022Martin Luther King Jr. Day
MondayFebruary 21 2022Presidents' Day
MondayMay 30 2022Memorial Day
MondayJuly 04 2022Independence Day
MondaySeptember 05 2022Labor Day
MondayOctober 10 2022Columbus Day
FridayNovember 11 2022Veterans Day
ThursdayNovember 24 2022Thanksgiving Day
SundayDecember 25 2022Christmas Day
MondayDecember 26 2022Christmas Day Observed