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Daylight Saving Time Ends in United States in 2022

When is Daylight Saving Time Ends in 2022?

Daylight Saving Time Ends in 2022 is on the Sunday, 06th of November (06/11/2022).

Daylight Saving Time Ends in United States in 2022

Daylight saving time (DST) is a practice to set clocks forward by one hour from standard time in the spring and set clocks back by one hour in autumn in order to return to standard time. Daylight saving time is also called daylight savings time, daylight time or summer time. DST helps conserve energy by reducing the need for lighting and heating.

In the US, the Daylight saving time (DST) ends on the first Sunday in November every year. On this day, Americans will set clocks back by one hour hence there will be one 25-hour day on the first Sunday in November in the autumn. DST is not observed near the Equator, where sunrise and sunset times do not vary much.

Daylight Saving Time Ends in United States in 2022

This idea of aligning waking hours to daylight hours, in order to preserve candle use and save money, was first proposed in 1784 by American scientist and inventor Benjamin Franklin. In 1907, British resident William Willett suggested the idea of Daylight saving time (DST) as a way to save energy but it was not adopted. However, in 1908 Port Arthur, Ontario and Canada started using DST. From the year 1970 onwards, many countries have started using DST at various times.

List of Holidays in United States in 2022

SaturdayJanuary 01 2022New Year's Day
MondayJanuary 17 2022Martin Luther King Jr. Day
MondayFebruary 21 2022Presidents' Day
MondayMay 30 2022Memorial Day
MondayJuly 04 2022Independence Day
MondaySeptember 05 2022Labor Day
MondayOctober 10 2022Columbus Day
FridayNovember 11 2022Veterans Day
ThursdayNovember 24 2022Thanksgiving Day
SundayDecember 25 2022Christmas Day
MondayDecember 26 2022Christmas Day Observed