Lat Long of 12, 20, 32, Online DMS to Lat Long Converter

Lat Long

Online DMS to Lat Long Converter

Degree for Lat
Degree for Lng

DMS to Lat Long geographic tool provides you a facility to get lat long from a given Degree Minutes Seconds. To get accurate Lat Long from DMS, enter accurate DMS coordinates. Also, find GPS coordinates for the given address, it will be calculated and display as below.

You can also find lat and long coordinates by moving mouse on below map.

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Below are some of the latest search result submitted by our users and visitors. Click on the name of the place for more details.

Latest Search Places with Lat Long

West Eleri, Kerala, India12.3422275.37806
Mekkappala, Kottappady, Kerala, India10.1147276.57528
Bonny, Nigeria4.434727.16500
Madhya Pradesh 481445, India21.8188979.78750
2 Ash Tree Cottages, Faversham Me13 8ya, United Kingdom51.016670.08333
Romford Rm4 1xn, Uk51.612780.20972
West Eleri, Kerala, India12.3422275.37806
Mekkappala, Kottappady, Kerala, India10.1147276.57528
Chittarikkal, Kerala 671326, India12.3250075.36417
Bonny, Nigeria4.434727.16500
Forcados, Nigeria5.347505.35361
Kashgar, Xinjiang, China36.8302876.32306
Eduwini Ii, Nigeria4.884175.61389
Mangystau Province, Kazakhstan45.3061153.43944
Madhya Pradesh 481445, India21.8188979.78750
Romford Rm4 1xn, Uk51.612780.20972
Al Mizhar 1 Dubai United Arab Emirates25.2358355.43944
Romford Rm4 1xn, Uk51.612780.20972